AS035D/KH0046 - Ascher Sum Fieldmarks

Fieldmark Fieldmark XRay
Pendant Pendant Sum
Indexed Pendant Sum

Ascher Databook Notes:
  1. Construction note : pendants 21 and 22 are tied together at 1.0 cm . below the main cord by a YB colored cord.
  2. This khipu contains 5 broken pendants of color KB. Two fragments of KB pendants were loose within the khipu collection . One had a cluster of 2L knots, and the other a cluster of 4L knots.
  3. AS35A-AS035D is a collection of 4 khipus that are tied together.
  4. By spacing, there are 8 groups of 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5, 6 pendants. With the exception of 1 additional pendant in group 7, groups 5, 6, 7 show the same colr pattern (KB, MB/YB, MB:YB, MB:KB).
  5. Group 1 repeats the values on AS35A, and group 2 repeats the color and values on AS35B.