Notes: |
Ascher Databook Notes:
- This is one of several khipus acquired by the Museum in 1907 with provenance Ica. For a list of them, see UR1100.
- By spacing, the khipu is separated into 2 groups of 7 pendants each. Both groups have the same color pattern: MB, EB, B, MB: W, B: W, W, W.
- With the exception of the first position, values in both groups are in the same relative order. Specifically:
Pi7 > Pi2 > Pi4 > Pi3 > Pi5 > Pi6 for i=(1, 2)
- With the exception of the 6th position, the values of group 2 are greater than those in corresponding positions in group 1.
P2j > P1j for j=(1, 2...,5,7)
- The last value in group 1 is the sum of 3 other values in the group:
P17 = P11 + P13 + P16
- a) Two pairs of values in group 1 have the same sum. In both pairs, the values are 3 positions apart.
P11 + P14 = P13 + P16
b) With a discrepancy of 1, the sum is the same for a pair of values in corresponding positions in both groups.
P13 + P16 ≈ P23 + P26