Notes: |
Ascher Databook Notes:
- This is one of several khipus acquired by the Museum in 1907 with provenance Ica. For a list of them, see UR1100.
- With the exception of the 11th pendant, the group of 12 pendants alternate in color: W, SB or AB.
- The values of the alternate pendants in the group form 2 descending sequences (with the exception of the 11th pendant). In each pair, the odd position pendant is greater in value than the next pendant. That is:
P2i-1 ≥ P2i+1 for i=1, 2, 3, 4
P2i ≥ P2i+2 for i=1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Pi > Pi+1 for i=1, 3, 5, 7, 11
- Of the 12 values in the group, 6 are of value 37 or above, and 6 are of value less than 37. Each of those greater than or equal to 37 can be expressed as the sum of other values in the group:
37 = 2+9+26
52 = 2+2+2+9+37
64 = 27+37=(2+9+26)+27
81 = 2+27+52
84 = 2+2+2+26+52
170 = 37+52+81=(2+9+26)+52+81
- Three of the 12 values are perfect squares (9, 64, 81) and 3 of the values are powers of 3 (32, 33, 34 ).