AS021/KH0022 - Ascher Sum Fieldmarks

Fieldmark Fieldmark XRay
Pendant Pendant Sum
Indexed Pendant Sum
Colored Pendant Sum
Ascher Databook Notes:
  1. This khipu consists of 2 main cords tied together. The main cord on each part is a different color. Part I, by spacing, contains 3 groups of 9, 9, 8 pendants and Part II, by spacing, contains 4 groups of 9, 9, 9, 6 pendants, respectively.
  2. For comparison of Part I and Part II, the khipu is represented in Table 1

    Note that:
    1. When the numbers in Part I are compared with the numbers in Part II, of 36 possible matches, 5 are unknown due to breakage, 4 have no comparable cords, and 23 are the same. In the 4 cases where differences are present, the value in Part I is larger than the value in Part II. (In 3 of the 4 cases, the values differ by 1 on 1 pendant in each of the 3 groups. The fourth case is a difference of 3 on a subsidiary.)
    2. When the colors in Part I are compared with the colors in Part II, of 36 possible matches, 4 have no comparable cords and 11 are the same. (The 11 similarities do not occur on subsidiaries and include only colors W, BB:W, AB:W.)
    3. Subsidiaries occur in the same positions in Part I and Part II. d) Although some colors appear on both Part I and Part II, BB and AB:BB appear only on Part I, while G@, GY, and YB:GY appear only on Part II.
    4. In Part I, the digit 1 in the units position is represented by a figure eight knot. In Part II, single knots are used instead.

  3. For comparison of the second and third groups within each Part, see Table 2.

    Note that:
    1. In Part I, of 9 possible number matches, 1 has no comparable cord and 5 are the same. In the 3 cases where differences are present, the value in group 3 is larger than the value in group
    2. In Part II, of 9 possible number matches, 4 are unknown due to breakage, and 4 are the same. In the 1 case of difference, the value in group 3 is larger than the value in group 2.
    3. In Part I, of 9 possible color matches, 1 has no comparable cord and 2 are the same.
    4. In Part II, of 9 possible color matches, 2 are the same.

  4. Comparing the first 6 groups to each other the values have the following consistencies in rank order:
    1. For all 6 groups with and without subsidiaries: Pos 4(breakage is ignored)
    2. For groups 2, 3, 4 without subsidiaries, 5, 6: Pos 4(breakage is ignored)

  5. The last group has all 6 pendants blank and turned upward. These might refer to the previous 6 groups (3 in Part I, 3 in Part II)

Table 1

Part 1 - Group 1
Part 2 - Group 4

Part 1 - Group 2
Part 2 - Group 5

Part 1 - Group 3
Part 2 - Group 6

Table 2

Part 1 - Groups 2,3
Group 23211134811151111
Group 3-12136811161111
Group 53111?4811151111
Group 63?111368?1?1111
Part 2 - Groups 5,6