AS202/KH0220 - Ascher Sum Fieldmarks

Fieldmark Fieldmark XRay
Ascher Decreasing Group
Ascher Databook Notes:
  1. AS201, AS202, and AS203 are designated by the same museum number. (See AS201 observations 1 and 2.)
  2. By spacing, the khipu has eight groups of three pendants each. (The fifth group has one more pendant and the first group has one fewer. However, the rest of the first group may have been broken off.) Each group has the same color pattern YB, LB, LB:YB. (The extra pendant in group 5 is LB. The two pendants in group 1 are in reverse order, that is LB:YB, LB).
  3. There are knots on the main cord between the pendant groups. The sums of the groups are ?,1,1,6,5,2,0, 1. The numbers on the main cord are ?,1,1,5,4,1,0,1. In each case where the sum of the group is O or 1 that is the value preceding the group on the main cord. Where the sum is greater than 1, the main cord has the sum of the group minus 1.
  4. With the khipu was stored 2 bundles of prepared blanks, 2 fragments of khipus, and 2 broken cords with knots. One of the broken cords might be part of the main cord of this khipu. The cord is, starting at its broken end, 16.0 cm, 1s, 9.0 cm, 6L, 20.0 cm, ยข. The value (16) could be related to sum of the pendant cords (16) or other knots on the main cord (13).