UR063/KH0300 - Pendant Pendant Sums


Right Handed Sums:     # Sums = 3,  Max # Summands = 9,   (Min, Mean, Max) Sum Values = (12, 12, 13)
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Left Handed Sums:     # Sums = 4,  Max # Summands = 3,   (Min, Mean, Max) Sum Values = (12, 82, 157)
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Right Handed Sum Detail: - Click on column name to sort
# Color Sum Schema Sum Cord Sum Cord Value # Summands Summands
p332, 13 : 12W129p42: 1W + p43: 0AB + p44: 0GG + p45: 0W:KB + p46: 1W + p47: 1AB + p48: 0GG + p49: 0W:KB + p50: 9W
p383, 3 : 13GG136p46: 1W + p47: 1AB + p48: 0GG + p49: 0W:KB + p50: 9W + p51: 2MB
p696, 13 : 12W127p75: 8GG + p76: 2W:KB + p77: 0W + p78: 0AB + p79: 0GG + p80: 0W:KB + p81: 2W

Left Handed Sum Detail: - Click on column name to sort
# Color Sum Schema Sum Cord Sum Cord Value # Summands Summands
p383, 3 : 13GG132p33: 12W + p34: 1W:AB
p545, 13 : 148W1483p17: 127W + p18: 12MB + p19: 9GG
p696, 13 : 12W123p50: 9W + p51: 2MB + p52: 1GG
p937, 17 : 157W1573p54: 148W + p55: 7MB + p56: 2GG