
Tall View

Khipu Notes Exist - See Below

Original Author: Marcia & Robert Ascher
Museum: Musee de l Homme, Paris, France
Museum Number:
Provenance: Unknown
Region: Unknown
Total Number of Cords: 16
Number of Ascher Cord Colors: 3
Benford Match: 0.747
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Datafile: AS076

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Khipu Notes

Ascher Databook Notes:
  1. Multiple unit knots appear on the pendants. The largest long knot cluster used is 5; the maximum number of clusters on a pendant is 4. The values indicated are the total number of knots and for all cords are 1 to 10.
  2. AS074-AS080 are associated. See AS074 for discussion.
  3. By spacing, there are two groups of 8 pendants and 7 pendants respectively.
  4. In both groups, pendants 1, 2, and 7 are the same color and the values of pendants 1, 2, 3 are the same.