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Khipu Notes Exist - See Below

Original Name: AS149
Original Author: Marcia & Robert Ascher
Museum: Museum für Völkerkunde, Berlin
Museum Number: VA44866C
Provenance: Unknown
Region: Ocucaje
Total Number of Cords: 112
Number of Ascher Cord Colors: 7
Benford Match: 0.906
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Datafile: UR1149

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Khipu Notes

Ascher Databook Notes:
  1. Pendant 108 is broken at 7.5 cm. We assume that a pendant fragment stored with the khipu is the completion of this pendant.
  2. UR1147-UR1149 are associated in that they were all designated by the same Museum number. They were acquired by the Museum in 1907 with provenance Ocucaje. For a comparison of them, see UR1147.
  3. By spacing, the khipu is separated into 3 parts. Part 1 is 2 groups of 5 pendants each. Part 2 is 14 groups separated into 2 subparts of 7 groups each. The first group in each subpart has 5 pendants and the remaining 6 groups have 4 pendants each. Part 3 is 9 groups of 5 pendants each (with the exception of the 5th group which has only 4 pendants).
  4. Basically, each group has 5 positions with the same color order: B:GG; LB:B:GG; B (for part 1 and 2) or LB:B (for part 3); B; GG. In all groups with only 4 pendants, it is the fourth position (B) that is non-existent.
  5. Position by position, the values in the first group in part 2 are the sums of the values in the 9 groups of part 3. That is,
    \[ P_{21j} = \sum\limits_{i=1}^{9} P_{3ij} \;\;\;for\;j=(1,...,5) \]
    (There is an error of 1 in 1 digit and a few broken cords. )
  6. Position by position , the values in the first and second groups of part 1 are the sums of the values in the 7 groups of the first and second subparts of part 2 , respectively. Namely,
    \[ P_{11j} = \sum\limits_{i=1}^{7} P_{2ij}\;\;\;\;for\;all\;j=(1,...,5)\]
    \[ P_{12j} = \sum\limits_{i=8}^{14} P_{2ij}\;\;\;\;for\;all\;j=(1,...,5) \]

    (There is an error of 2 in 1 digit and 1 broken cord. )
  7. Parts 2 and 3 contain many multiples of the value 110. In part 3, the value 110 appears 4 times and 220 once. In part 2, 24% of the values are such multiples (110x31 four times; 110x13 eight times; and one each of 110x12, 110x6, 110x5).
  8. Groups 2-5 of part 2 have the same values in all corresponding positions.