Textos Andinos Volume: | 2 |
Textos Andinos Chapter: | 32B |
Attributed To: | Cacique Guanca |
Year Recited: | 1551 |
Reference Location: | Caquingora |
Type: | Elicit |
Pre/Post Conquest: | Post |
Language: | Aymara |
# Words: | 32 |
# Sentences: | 3 |
# Measured Nouns: | 2 |
# Measures: | 2 |
Topic Group #: | 2 |
1 | A el dicho Vrtum Sánchez le dieron 850. ovejas grandes y chicas y carneros y 220 piezas de ropa de abasca y 305 fanegas de chuño puesto en. |
2 | Potosí. |
1 | To said Vrtum Sánchez gave him 850. |
2 | Large sheep and girls and rams and 220 pieces of clothes from AZASCA and 305 Chuño fanegas put on. |
3 | Potosí |
Noun | # Times Cited | Total Quantity |
pieza: | 1 | 220 |
fanega: | 1 | 305 |
Noun | Quantity Cited |
pieza: | 220 |
fanega: | 305 |