UR117B/KH0355 - Ascher Decreasing Group


Ascher Decreasing Group:    
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# Decreasing Group Schema Group Position
1 Based Index
# Cords in Group Decreasing Cord Values
35AB@[3, 1]:8 + W@[3, 2]:8 + W:MB:HB@[3, 3]:1 + W@[3, 4]:1 + HB@[3, 5]:0

Khipu Notes:
(1) UR 117 A, B & C are attached to each other. The knotted end of the primary cords are slipped through the doubled end of the following primary cord.
(1) UR 117 A, B, C, and D are attached to each other. The knotted end of the primary cords are slipped through the doubled end of the following primary cord.
UR117D is also attached to the group containing UR117A, B, and C.