QU007/KH0595 - Group Group Sum


Group-Group Sum:    
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# Group Group Sum Schema Group Sum Value Is Top Group Is Duplicate Group Group Position Difference Left Group Position
(1_based index)
Right Group Position
(1_based index)
Left Sum
(1_based index)
Right Sum
(1_based index)
27FalseFalse189YB:B@[7, 0]:3 + YB:B@[7, 1]:3 + B:KB@[7, 1, 0]:1 + KB@[7, 1, 1]:0 + YB:B@[7, 1, 2]:20 + YB:B@[7, 2]:20 + B@[7, 2, 0]:6 + KB@[7, 2, 1]:0 + YB:B@[7, 3]:1YB:B@[8, 0]:1 + YB:B@[8, 1]:1 + YB:B@[8, 1, 0]:1 + B:KB@[8, 1, 1]:0 + YB:B@[8, 2]:24 + B:KB@[8, 2, 0]:2 + B@[8, 2, 1]:20 + YB:B@[8, 3]:1

Khipu Notes:
***** Stopped recording strings because khipu seemed too fragile to continue.
Very stiff; has issues with dark brown strings especially.
Main cord seems to have been cut. Edges are severed close to the first and last pendants.
Relatively short pendants. Could have been a very long khipu originally; this fragment itself is fairly large.
Subsidiary cord 58A is striped.
Colors include light tan, dark tan, medium brown, dark brown, but difficult to distinguish between as all are aged.
Tertiary cords appear in Group 5 (maybe originally more).
Monochrome medium brown begins to appear in Group 16.
Dk br/lt tn starts in Group 20.
Group 21 begins dk br/dk tn and md br/dk tn and continues with these through to the end.
Not really a decimal organization of knots. No consistent register of knots followed. Free form in decimal and length organization throughout. Could indicate khipu is not numerical in function?
One pendant attached in recto: Pendant 120.
Total pendants: 192 and Groups: 48.
Toward the end, the long knots become longer numbers in general (none are more than 9?).