UR016/KH0252 - Indexed Pendant Sums
Right Handed Sums: # Sums = 2, Max # Summands = 2, (Min, Mean, Max) Sum Values = (12, 14, 16)
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Right Handed Sum Detail: - Click on column name to sort
# | Color | Sum Schema | Sum Cord | Sum Cord Value | # Summands | Summands |
1 | p122, 1 : 16AB | 16 | 2 | p116: 5AB + p147: 11AB | ||
2 | p383, 24 : 12AB | 12 | 2 | p139: 3AB + p170: 9AB |
Khipu Notes:
El se195177al en el cordon pricipal entre 44.5 - 46.0 se consiste de un hilo (z/s) alrededer del cor. prin.