UR1147/KH0163 - Indexed Pendant Sums


Right Handed Sums:     # Sums = 1,  Max # Summands = 2,   (Min, Mean, Max) Sum Values = (51, 51, 51)
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Right Handed Sum Detail: - Click on column name to sort
# Color Sum Schema Sum Cord Sum Cord Value # Summands Summands
p32, 1 : 51B:GG512p11: 31B + p13: 20B

Khipu Notes:
Ascher Databook Notes:
  1. UR1147-UR1149 are associated in that they were all designated by the same Museum number. They were acquired by the Museum in 1907 with provenance Ocucaje. For a comparison of them, see #4 below.
  2. By spacing, UR1147 is separated into 3 parts. Part 1 consists of 1 pair of pendants, and parts 2 and 3 consist of 4 pairs of pendants each. With the exception of the first pendant in the first pair, each pair in part 2 has the same color pattern: B: LG, B: GG. All pendants in part 3 are the same color, B.
  3. The values of the pendants in part 1 are related to the sums of the values in parts 2 and 3. They can be interp reted as inexact sums. The sum of the values of the first pendants in the 8 pairs in parts 2 and 3 is 270; the value on the first pendant in the pair in part 1 is 272. Similarly, the sum of the second pendant values is 381 and tha value of the second pendant in the pair in part 1 is 385.
  4. Comparison of UR1147-UR1149:
    1. The 3 khipus are similar in grouping. In all of them, the first part sums the following parts. UR1147 and UR1148 are both separated into 3 parts with the second and third parts each containing 4 pairs of pendants. In UR1147, the pair in part 1 sums the 8 pairs in parts 2 and 3 position by position. In UR1148, there are 2 pairs in part 1 so the sums are separate for each part and each position in a pair. UR1149 is also in 3 parts but it differs in the number of groups per part and the number of pendants per group. Again, the values in part 1 are sums, bô€–»t only of values in part 2, which in turn contains sums of values in part 3.
    2. The khipus use the same basic colors. The colors used, alone or in combination, are B, LB, LC, GG, and G0. Three of the 5 are used on UR1148, and UR1147 and UR1149 each use 4 of them.
    3. The values on the khipus differ in order of magnitude: on UR1147, the values in parts 2 and 3 are 23-65 and the sums in part 1 are 272-385; on UR1148, the values in parts 2 and 3 are 125-638 and the sums in part 1 are 941-2061; and on UR1149, the values in parts 2 and 3 are 0-3410 and the sums in part 1 are 660-21243.