QU019/KH0607 - Pendant Pendant Sum


Right Handed Sums:     # Sums = 46,  Max # Summands = 22,   (Min, Mean, Max) Sum Values = (11, 54, 601)
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Left Handed Sums:     # Sums = 30,  Max # Summands = 16,   (Min, Mean, Max) Sum Values = (11, 68, 601)
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Right Handed Sum Detail: - Click on column name to sort
# Color Sum Schema Sum Cord Sum Cord Value # Summands Summands
p71, 7 : 100YB1004p8: 7AB + p9: 36AB + p10: 37B + p11: 20BS
p102, 3 : 37B376p88: 13YB:AB + p89: 1YB + p90: 14YB + p91: 5YB + p92: 3YB + p93: 1YB
p142, 7 : 15MB152p89: 1YB + p90: 14YB
p152, 8 : 65YB652p63: 54YB + p64: 11AB
p173, 2 : 44AB442p28: 22B:BS + p29: 22GG:BS
p213, 6 : 17GG:BS172p110: 10BS + p111: 7YB
p233, 8 : 60YB6010p88: 13YB:AB + p89: 1YB + p90: 14YB + p91: 5YB + p92: 3YB + p93: 1YB + p94: 15YB + p95: 3YB + p96: 4YB + p97: 1YB:AB
p314, 8 : 93YB933p43: 23GG + p44: 31PB + p45: 39YB:MB
p345, 3 : 47B473p87: 33YB:AB + p88: 13YB:AB + p89: 1YB
p365, 5 : 16B:BS162p93: 1YB + p94: 15YB
p385, 7 : 26MB265p92: 3YB + p93: 1YB + p94: 15YB + p95: 3YB + p96: 4YB
p395, 8 : 104YB10411p118: 41YB:MB + p119: 22YB:MB + p120: 1YB + p121: 20YB + p122: 2YB + p123: 5YB + p124: 0YB + p125: 1AB + p126: 9AB + p127: 1AB + p128: 2AB
p406, 1 : 14AB142p88: 13YB:AB + p89: 1YB
p456, 6 : 39YB:MB396p89: 1YB + p90: 14YB + p91: 5YB + p92: 3YB + p93: 1YB + p94: 15YB
p527, 5 : 25PB255p107: 4YB:PB + p108: 3YB:PB + p109: 1BS + p110: 10BS + p111: 7YB
p537, 6 : 32YB:MB327p91: 5YB + p92: 3YB + p93: 1YB + p94: 15YB + p95: 3YB + p96: 4YB + p97: 1YB:AB
p557, 8 : 103YB1033p83: 73YB + p84: 10YB + p85: 20YB
p578, 2 : 38BS385p90: 14YB + p91: 5YB + p92: 3YB + p93: 1YB + p94: 15YB
p608, 5 : 12PB123p126: 9AB + p127: 1AB + p128: 2AB
p618, 6 : 24YB:MB245p89: 1YB + p90: 14YB + p91: 5YB + p92: 3YB + p93: 1YB
p638, 8 : 54YB542p75: 31GG + p76: 23PB
p649, 1 : 11AB112p109: 1BS + p110: 10BS
p659, 2 : 62BS6210p89: 1YB + p90: 14YB + p91: 5YB + p92: 3YB + p93: 1YB + p94: 15YB + p95: 3YB + p96: 4YB + p97: 1YB:AB + p98: 15YB:AB
p679, 4 : 22GG223p90: 14YB + p91: 5YB + p92: 3YB
p699, 6 : 36YB:MB365p88: 13YB:AB + p89: 1YB + p90: 14YB + p91: 5YB + p92: 3YB
p709, 7 : 41MB416p90: 14YB + p91: 5YB + p92: 3YB + p93: 1YB + p94: 15YB + p95: 3YB
p719, 8 : 93YB9311p87: 33YB:AB + p88: 13YB:AB + p89: 1YB + p90: 14YB + p91: 5YB + p92: 3YB + p93: 1YB + p94: 15YB + p95: 3YB + p96: 4YB + p97: 1YB:AB
p7410, 3 : 52YB522p80: 6MB + p81: 46MB
p7510, 4 : 31GG316p91: 5YB + p92: 3YB + p93: 1YB + p94: 15YB + p95: 3YB + p96: 4YB
p7610, 5 : 23PB234p89: 1YB + p90: 14YB + p91: 5YB + p92: 3YB
p7710, 6 : 35YB:MB3510p122: 2YB + p123: 5YB + p124: 0YB + p125: 1AB + p126: 9AB + p127: 1AB + p128: 2AB + p129: 4AB + p130: 1YB:PB + p131: 10YB:PB
p7810, 7 : 44MB449p121: 20YB + p122: 2YB + p123: 5YB + p124: 0YB + p125: 1AB + p126: 9AB + p127: 1AB + p128: 2AB + p129: 4AB
p7910, 8 : 100YB10018p91: 5YB + p92: 3YB + p93: 1YB + p94: 15YB + p95: 3YB + p96: 4YB + p97: 1YB:AB + p98: 15YB:AB + p99: 4YB:AB + p100: 3YB:AB + p101: 1YB:MB + p102: 14YB:MB + p103: 4YB:MB + p104: 4YB:MB + p105: 1YB:PB + p106: 15YB:PB + p107: 4YB:PB + p108: 3YB:PB
p8111, 2 : 46MB462p87: 33YB:AB + p88: 13YB:AB
p8211, 3 : 18MB182p94: 15YB + p95: 3YB
p8311, 4 : 73YB7313p91: 5YB + p92: 3YB + p93: 1YB + p94: 15YB + p95: 3YB + p96: 4YB + p97: 1YB:AB + p98: 15YB:AB + p99: 4YB:AB + p100: 3YB:AB + p101: 1YB:MB + p102: 14YB:MB + p103: 4YB:MB
p8511, 6 : 20YB203p89: 1YB + p90: 14YB + p91: 5YB
p9813, 12 : 15YB:AB152p101: 1YB:MB + p102: 14YB:MB
p10214, 2 : 14YB:MB143p108: 3YB:PB + p109: 1BS + p110: 10BS
p10615, 2 : 15YB:PB154p123: 5YB + p124: 0YB + p125: 1AB + p126: 9AB
p11217, 2 : 601YB60114p158: 168YB + p159: 10YB + p160: 11YB + p161: 9YB + p162: 13BS + p163: 11BS + p164: 70BS + p165: 159YB + p166: 11YB + p167: 11YB + p168: 30YB + p169: 13YB + p170: 10YB + p171: 75YB
p11518, 2 : 79AB7922p123: 5YB + p124: 0YB + p125: 1AB + p126: 9AB + p127: 1AB + p128: 2AB + p129: 4AB + p130: 1YB:PB + p131: 10YB:PB + p132: 3YB:LK + p133: 4YB:PB + p134: 1YB:PB + p135: 1YB:MB + p136: 10YB:MB + p137: 3YB:MB + p138: 5YB:MB + p139: 2YB:MB + p140: 1MB + p141: 10MB + p142: 2MB + p143: 3MB + p144: 1BS
p11618, 3 : 13AB134p125: 1AB + p126: 9AB + p127: 1AB + p128: 2AB
p11718, 4 : 14AB143p130: 1YB:PB + p131: 10YB:PB + p132: 3YB:LK
p11819, 1 : 41YB:MB419p120: 1YB + p121: 20YB + p122: 2YB + p123: 5YB + p124: 0YB + p125: 1AB + p126: 9AB + p127: 1AB + p128: 2AB
p11919, 2 : 22YB:MB222p121: 20YB + p122: 2YB

Left Handed Sum Detail: - Click on column name to sort
# Color Sum Schema Sum Cord Sum Cord Value # Summands Summands
p254, 2 : 57AB572p10: 37B + p11: 20BS
p264, 3 : 31B312p19: 14BS + p20: 17B:BS
p274, 4 : 23BS232p12: 11B:BS + p13: 12GG:BS
p314, 8 : 93YB933p9: 36AB + p10: 37B + p11: 20BS
p335, 2 : 89AB894p17: 44AB + p18: 14B + p19: 14BS + p20: 17B:BS
p395, 8 : 104YB1044p9: 36AB + p10: 37B + p11: 20BS + p12: 11B:BS
p456, 6 : 39YB:MB392p21: 17GG:BS + p22: 22MB
p507, 3 : 44YB442p28: 22B:BS + p29: 22GG:BS
p557, 8 : 103YB1034p12: 11B:BS + p13: 12GG:BS + p14: 15MB + p15: 65YB
p578, 2 : 38BS383p12: 11B:BS + p13: 12GG:BS + p14: 15MB
p638, 8 : 54YB542p43: 23GG + p44: 31PB
p659, 2 : 62BS622p37: 36GG:BS + p38: 26MB
p699, 6 : 36YB:MB362p60: 12PB + p61: 24YB:MB
p7410, 3 : 52YB522p36: 16B:BS + p37: 36GG:BS
p7910, 8 : 100YB1003p50: 44YB + p51: 31GG + p52: 25PB
p8311, 4 : 73YB732p64: 11AB + p65: 62BS
p10615, 2 : 15YB:PB152p101: 1YB:MB + p102: 14YB:MB
p11217, 2 : 601YB60114p67: 22GG + p68: 31PB + p69: 36YB:MB + p70: 41MB + p71: 93YB + p72: 8AB + p73: 79BS + p74: 52YB + p75: 31GG + p76: 23PB + p77: 35YB:MB + p78: 44MB + p79: 100YB + p80: 6MB
p11317, 3 : 22YB223p106: 15YB:PB + p107: 4YB:PB + p108: 3YB:PB
p11518, 2 : 79AB7913p98: 15YB:AB + p99: 4YB:AB + p100: 3YB:AB + p101: 1YB:MB + p102: 14YB:MB + p103: 4YB:MB + p104: 4YB:MB + p105: 1YB:PB + p106: 15YB:PB + p107: 4YB:PB + p108: 3YB:PB + p109: 1BS + p110: 10BS
p11718, 4 : 14AB143p108: 3YB:PB + p109: 1BS + p110: 10BS
p11819, 1 : 41YB:MB417p105: 1YB:PB + p106: 15YB:PB + p107: 4YB:PB + p108: 3YB:PB + p109: 1BS + p110: 10BS + p111: 7YB
p12120, 2 : 20YB203p105: 1YB:PB + p106: 15YB:PB + p107: 4YB:PB
p15521, 1 : 11BS112p140: 1MB + p141: 10MB
p15721, 3 : 70BS7016p131: 10YB:PB + p132: 3YB:LK + p133: 4YB:PB + p134: 1YB:PB + p135: 1YB:MB + p136: 10YB:MB + p137: 3YB:MB + p138: 5YB:MB + p139: 2YB:MB + p140: 1MB + p141: 10MB + p142: 2MB + p143: 3MB + p144: 1BS + p145: 12BS + p146: 2BS
p16224, 1 : 13BS132p152: 12YB + p153: 1YB
p16826, 3 : 30YB303p159: 10YB + p160: 11YB + p161: 9YB
p17127, 3 : 75YB755p166: 11YB + p167: 11YB + p168: 30YB + p169: 13YB + p170: 10YB
p17329, 1 : 15YB155p147: 2BS + p148: 3BS + p149: 1YB + p150: 8YB + p151: 1AB
p17529, 3 : 33YB333p161: 9YB + p162: 13BS + p163: 11BS

Khipu Notes:
Wise Khipu B371 / T41299.38
Fragmentary khipu with four main cords and top and subsidiary cords. Four main cords tied together. Could have been tied in a circle originally. Both ends are severed - cut? Third main cord hangs on another, tied at both ends, like a subsidiary.
Includes 1 scrap package, A, of 3 fragments
Throughout khipu, the cord colors are patterned and repeated or set up with groups of the same hue.
Originally sewn to a green poster board. Removed by Dawn Planas and Kylie Quave 3/30/06.
There are a few top cords, one looped around two pendants (Main B1) and four that are just "standing" upward rather than "hanging" in Main C1, and Main D 1, 2, and 3.

Primary Cord Notes

There are 4 S-plied main cords knotted together (seem a bit haphazard).
Main A- mot lt br/lt tn. Main A 46.25cm, with knot at 40.25
Main B - mot lt tn. Main B - 55, with knots at 2, 5.5, 28 cm
Main C - mot md br/lt tn. Main C - 35 with knots at .5, 16.
Main D -mot md br/lt tn, with less lt tn than MC. Main D 19.0cm with a knot at 13.
Total from beginning of MA to end of MD=75cm stretched out.
Measurements (going from without the knotted sections, so excluding the part of the main cord that is held up in a knot)
Knot values on Main A have a slight pattern: the last pendant in each group is the largest value, but not the total of the others. However, when the last pendant value is subtracted some sets of groups have similar sums (i.e. Groups 2 and 3 have 130-140 without the last P; Groups 5-10 have a sum of about 237-247 and 272 without last P). Sum of Main A knots is 2789, with some possible missing knots.
Main A plied end is on right and tied in single knot to plied end of Main B. In middle of Main B, it is wrapped around Main C and then pulled through the wraps to make a knot. Main B's right end is pulled once through left of Main D (where B, C, and D all converge). Main C wraps around once and through Main B and then its knotted end is tied in a single knot with Main D's knotted end. Main D's knotted end hangs on its left and then is severed at right.
Main cord C is like a subsidiary main cord, hung across Main B. Similar to the main cords hung onto another main cord in Harvard Peabody khipu 41-52-30 2938.
How would it have been held up and read?

Cord Notes

Total Pendant count = 170 (A has 79, B 30, C 43, and D 18)
Top cord in Group A goes around two pendants of two different colors and on either side of it in the group, the pendants are two different colors corresponding to those within the top cord loop.
Knot registers shift up one on Main B. Change again on Main C and Main D.
On Main B, the first group has a knot sum of 173, while the top cord that follows the group also has a knot value of 173. Total of Main B is 345 without repeat of the top cord value.
Then, in the rest of Main B, Groups 2-5 have a knot sum of 172, one unit away from the value of Group 1 and the top cord.
Main C has a few color changing subsidiaries. These are relatively unusual.
Sum of Main C knots is 1145, but without the top cord, is 949. Group 2 has a value of 63, while the first half of Group 1 before top cord has value of 630, 10x as much. Top cord value in Group 1 is 196, while 630 is value of the group before top cord and 106 is value after -- does the 196 include some of what's recorded in each half - like a Venn Diagram?
For Main D, Group 1 has 111 with missing knots and a top cord of 168. Group 2 has value of 146 and some missing, but with 159 top. Group 3 has 156 with missing knots and a top cord of 164. All of these may have added up to their top cords when knots were complete? Or just nearly added up. Plus the top cords values are very close, so recording something similar and related.
Total knot count of khipu is around 5000 for pendants.