UR1121/KH0135 - Pendant Pendant Sums


Left Handed Sums:     # Sums = 3,  Max # Summands = 66,   (Min, Mean, Max) Sum Values = (14, 16, 20)
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Left Handed Sum Detail: - Click on column name to sort
# Color Sum Schema Sum Cord Sum Cord Value # Summands Summands
p27680, 3 : 15B159p199: 2W + p200: 0B + p201: 3W + p202: 1W + p203: 0B + p204: 4W + p205: 1W + p206: 0B + p207: 4W
p27780, 4 : 14B147p198: 4W + p199: 2W + p200: 0B + p201: 3W + p202: 1W + p203: 0B + p204: 4W
p27980, 6 : 20B2066p210: 3W + p211: 0B + p212: 0B + p213: 0B + p214: 0B + p215: 0B + p216: 0B + p217: 0B + p218: 0BB + p219: 0BB + p220: 0BB + p221: 0BB + p222: 0BB + p223: 0BB + p224: 0BB + p225: 0BB + p226: 0BB + p227: 0BB + p228: 0BB + p229: 0BB + p230: 0BB + p231: 0BB + p232: 0BB + p233: 0BB + p234: 0BB + p235: 0BB + p236: 0BB + p237: 0BB + p238: 0BB + p239: 0BB + p240: 0BB + p241: 0BB + p242: 0BB + p243: 0BB + p244: 0BB + p245: 0BB + p246: 0BB + p247: 0BB + p248: 0BB + p249: 0BB + p250: 0BB + p251: 0BB + p252: 0BB + p253: 0BB + p254: 0BB + p255: 0BB + p256: 0BB + p257: 0BB + p258: 0BB + p259: 0BB + p260: 0BB + p261: 0BB + p262: 0BB + p263: 0BB + p264: 0BB + p265: 0BB + p266: 0BB + p267: 0BB + p268: 0BB + p269: 0BB + p270: 0BB + p271: 0BB + p272: 0BB + p273: 0BB + p274: 9B + p275: 8B

Khipu Notes:
Ascher Databook Notes:
  1. This is one of several khipus acquired b y the Museum in 1907 with provenance Pachacamac. For a list of them, see UR1097.
  2. By spacing, the khipu is separated into 2 parts. Part 1 consists of 10 subparts, each of which is 7 groups of 3 pendants. Each of the 70 groups has the same color pattern: W, B, W. Part 2 consists of 10 groups of 7 pendants each. The pendants in groups 1 and 10 are B, and those in groups 2-9 are BB.
  3. In part 1, all the pendants in the first 9 subparts are zero-valued (or blank). Similarly, in part 2, all the pendants in the first 9 groups are zero-valued (or blank).