
Original Author: Sabine Hyland
Museum: St. Andrews 004
Museum Number: SA004
Provenance: Unknown
Region: Unknown
Total Number of Cords: 22
Number of Ascher Cord Colors: 4
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Catalog: SH001
Khipu Notes: Khipu Notes

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Khipu Notes

INKA KHIPU (95.4% probability that the pendant fibres date to 1420-1475 AD)
Unknown provenance; was brought to Germany in the early 20th century.
There are 22 pendants and no subsidiaries. There is a knot at the beginning of the primary cord and a loop knot (with modern pink thread) at the end of the primary cord. The primary cord and all pendants consist of animal fibre and have a final S ply. There are four groups of pendants on the primary cord.
Unusual characteristics: Loop knot on primary cord; pendants 8 and 9 are tied together; there are 3 degrees of pendant thickness like Mangas khipu cords (fine, medium & thick); 3 pendants (P1, P4, & P6) have “nether knots”, that is, additional knots below the units’ position. The black cords have a small number of white fibres mixed in as a kind of tweed.