
Original Author: Carrie Brezine
Museum: Puruchuco Museum
Museum Number: 1 Tex 641 Rt 639
Provenance: Puruchuco
Region: Huaquerones
Total Number of Cords: 114
Number of Ascher Cord Colors: 22
Similar Khipu:  Previous (UR220)  Next (UR074)
Catalog: UR060
Khipu Notes: Khipu Notes

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Khipu Notes

1. Khipu was wrapped tightly in spiral fashion. Primary cord wrapped around bundle several times, fastened by slipping end of pcord through last wrap. Reading done on side of khipu that would face interior of spiral, starting from the end of the pcord which would be at the center of the spiral.
2. Near end of primary cord, colors taper off and cord becomes thinner.
3. Pendants 52, 90, 96, 108 may be markers. Their attachment is not the usual half-hitch attachment.
4. The dark brown color is disintegrating in many places and makes some cords very fragile.
5. all the knots are at a consistent level.
6. Urton thinks that some of the LG color may be camelid. Brezine is unconvinced.