
Original Name: AS033E
Original Author: Marcia & Robert Ascher
Museum: Peabody Museum, Harvard University
Museum Number: 41.52.30/293B
Provenance: Unknown
Region: Unknown
Total Number of Cords: 10
Number of Ascher Cord Colors: 4
Similar Khipu:  Previous (UR117C)  Next (UR024)
Catalog: UR1033E
Khipu Notes: Khipu Notes

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Khipu Notes

Ascher Databook Notes:
  1. This khipu is part of the collection of 7 connected khipus numbered UR1033A-UR1033G .
  2. The khipu has 2 groups separated by spacing. Each group has 2 pendants and subsidiaries appear only on the second pendant in the group.